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DAY 619: TOP 5 for Homecoming — #5: Hearing/Sharing Old Stories

March 11, 2014
By bethmordecai
no comments.

DAY 619: TOP 5 for Homecoming — #5: Hearing/Sharing Old Stories

Dear Hevreh,

Homecoming is FINALLY here! As we undergo final preparations for Homecoming Weekend (anyone free to make goodie bags with hamantaschen today?), I wanted to take a moment to share my excitement for this upcoming weekend of memories, fun, meaning making, and community building. In fact, I want to take 5 moments…a TOP 5if you will, of things that I’m excited about for this weekend. In each journal this week I will share one of my top 5, culminating with Friday’s blog that will have the top two things for which I’m excited. 
If you’d like to share what you’re excited about for this weekend, please email me and I will share it with our community.
And without further ado….
#5 — Hearing and Sharing Old Stories
Without a doubt, one of my favorite things over the past year and half has been to meet with longtime members of Beth Mordecai and hear their stories of how their fathers fixed up the place, their grandparents found there way into the synagogue for High Holidays, their bar mitzvahs were full of delicious kishkes, their future spouses were sitting just a few rows in front of them during the High Holidays, and on and on. Not only do these stories evoke the memories that bind the generations of our community together, but they infuse the power of the past into our hopes for the future. During our weekend together, there will be many opportunities to share these memories, including the extended Oneg after Friday Night Services (which is OPEN to the community), our Saturday afternoon “Let’s Get Acquainted” program as the generations of Beth Mordecai meet together, and of course our Sunday “Memories” brunch as Beth Mordecai leaders and clergy from past and present share stories of our sysnagogue’s illustrious history.
May our memories and stories continue to grow as we grow as an extended Beth Mordecai community.
Kol Tuv,
Rabbi Ari Saks

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