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DAY 860: Can’t Wait for Tonight

November 7, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 860: Can’t Wait for Tonight

Dear Hevreh,

Before making Perth Amboy my home over two years ago, I lived in Manhattan for 10 of the previous 11 years. It was an amazing time with so many things to do – especially Jewish things – right at my fingertips,  Yet, if I really think about what was so amazing, it wasn’t that I took advantage of all of the cultural, social, and religious opportunities available to me. Yes, I tried a service here and an experience there, but when you live in a place you can sometimes forget about everything around you when you’rr so busy with work, school, family, and friends. No, what was so amazing is that I KNEW that those experiences were seemingly waiting for me, available if and when I was ready to take advantage of them.

Well now living and working in Perth Amboy – in a dynamic, engaging, and meaningful position – my personal life is distant enough from New York to  really appreciate and want the Jewish opportunities available there. And tonight I’ll be able to take advantage of one of those opportunities at Congregation B’nai Jeshrun (BJ). But what’s most amazing is that I’ll be able to share that moment, to experience BJ’s unique Torah with my amazing synagogue community, with the special people of Beth Mordecai.

I can’t wait any longer…

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Ari Saks

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