‘Passover’ Category


April 22, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Online Yizkor For Passover 2014/5774

Watch Rabbi Saks' Online Yizkor Event for the 8th Day of Passover to share the name of your loved one and to recite the Mourner's Kaddish.

Category : Online Learning Passover
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April 14, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 653: A Sobering Passover Lesson from Kansas City: Our Freedom Is Precious

Dear Hevreh, Every year, Passover affords us an opportunity to remember to not take our freedom for granted, as individuals and especially as Jews. No matter how starkly the haggadah teaches us that our freedom is precious, that if it wasn't for the exodus we "would still be slaves in Egypt," our day-to-day life in a country in which Jews are freer than ever before can make this entreaty by the rabbis sound little hollow.   That is until moments like yesterday.   With gunshots sounding at the JCC and a Jewish retirement home in Kansas City, so too does the warning of the rabbis embedded in the teachings of the haggadah: remember that you were slaves in Egypt because if you're not careful it could happen again. Throughout[...]

Category : American Jewish News Passover Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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April 13, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Sermon for Shabbat Hagadol (April 12, 2014): Faith In Words

Faith in Words Sermon for Shabbat Hagadol (April 12th 2014) Rabbi Ari Saks Congregation Beth Mordecai Once there was a king who ruled many kingdoms, yet no matter how much wealth he amassed, no matter how many people he helped, he never felt at peace. His mind raced in so many different directions he could never feel as if he was in the right place at the right time. When he was sad he wanted to be happy, and for some reason when he was happy, he wanted to be sad. Well, he thought, if my mind is never at peace then neither should my kingdom. So he set about making every part of his kingdom the opposite of what it should be –[...]

Category : Cantorial Showcase home Passover Rabbi Sermons Shabbat
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April 10, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 649: Innovation for the Extra Days of Passover

Dear Hevreh,   As I've often mentioned, we must continually seek to refresh our rituals with creativeinnovation so that they remain relevant for the current generation of Jews. One of the ways in which we've incorporated some of that innovation is in re-imagining the ways to observe and uphold the values of the second days of the holidays. For instance...   we revamped the second day Rosh Hashanah service to be a unique mixture of singing, discussion, meditation, and tradition organized around a particular theme and not lasting longer than two hours. we drove to the homes of members in the congregation in order to help them fulfill the mitzvah of waving lulav and etrog we celebrated the stories of our unique Torah at a Rabbi's Tisch[...]

Category : Passover Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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April 8, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 647: Telling the Story of Passover

Dear Hevreh,   As we approach our final week of preparation for the holiday of Passover, my mind turns to the art of telling the story of Passover. Stories are more than simply their content, they are the methods, the timing, the layers of how that content is shared, and the story of Passover is no different.   Our primary method of telling the story of Passover is through the reading of the Haggadah  at the Passover seder. It is an ancient ritual, but not that ancient. The seder was crafted by the rabbis of the Tannaitic period (approximately 100-300 CE), which means that this scene most definitely never happened. So how was the story of Passover shared prior to the seder?   We get a hint at the answer by virtue of the fact that the haggadah itself[...]

Category : Passover Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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September 12, 2013
By bethmordecai
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Emphasizing the First Day; Reimagining the Second Day — A plan for our synagogue observance of the Jewish Holidays (High Holidays 5774)

Rabbi Ari Saks Congregation Beth Mordecai High Holidays Bulletin Article, 5774 Last Friday, for the second day of Rosh Hashanah, we had a special and unique High Holiday experience that was not the normal, traditional service. The order of the service was different, there was no Torah service, and we had opportunities for discussion and some dancing, in addition to some other innovative methods used to enhance our Rosh Hashanah experience. Overall, the feedback has been that it was a fun and meaningful service. Yet the service would never have been possible if it were not for a combination of a unique quirk of the Jewish calendar and the unique customs in which we observe our holidays. The unique quirk of the Jewish calendar is the existence[...]

Category : Bulletin Articles Passover Rabbi Rosh Hashanah Sh'mini Atzeret Shavuot Simhat Torah Sukkot Yom Kippur
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March 29, 2013
By bethmordecai
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Shabbat Hol Hamoed Passover (שבת חול המועד פסח) — Keeping Shabbat in Passover

2013/5773 -- Keeping Shabbat in Passover
Each year there are special readings for different readings. What are the special readings for Passover? Is there a unique one for the Shabbat of Passover? Come learn and enjoy the discussion together! Share your thoughts in the comments!

Category : Online Learning Online Parashah Class Passover Shabbat
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March 23, 2013
By bethmordecai
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Sermon for Shabbat Hagadol, Cantor Showcase, Memorial for Cantor David Levine z”l 2013: From Transformation to Redemption — Stepping into the Red Sea and Beyond

From Transformation to Redemption: Stepping into the Red Sea and Beyond (Shabbat Hagadol, March 23, 2013)*  Rabbi Ari Saks Congregation Beth Mordecai Perth Amboy, NJ On a cold, blustery afternoon in mid-town Manhattan I sat down with Cantor David Levine, zikhrono livrakhah, may his memory be for a blessing, to discuss the upcoming High Holiday season. I was impressed with his breadth of knowledge on hazzanut, the art of cantorial music, and I was excited by his willingness to try new ideas to make the service more engaging and meaningful. Yet the most inspiring moment of my time with our beloved hazzan was[...]

Category : Passover Rabbi Sermons Shabbat
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March 7, 2013
By bethmordecai
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DAY 250: Being An Active Jewish Home for the Soul

Dear Hevreh, Last night, over a dozen members and friends of Beth Mordecai gathered for our third holiday cooking class with the wonderful folks of tABLEhealth. We made a delicious alternative to the usual gefilte fish appetizer, yummy vegetables that stole the show, and a quinoa salad that displayed the creativity of Passover cooking. Check out updates from last night's cooking class on my twitter feed of @Ari_Saks Yet just as significant as the activity of the program was the activism of our community after the program. People started talking, conversed, and exchanged phone numbers to discuss future programs -- trips to New York, fun day activities, long term projects for the synagogue. That activism comes on the heels of a[...]

Category : Holidays Passover Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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