Counting the Omer — Day 30: Discernment/Strength (גבורה) within Splendor (הוד)

May 15, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 30: Discernment/Strength (גבורה) within Splendor (הוד)

“Maturity and acceptance are connected with the theme of this thirtieth day of the Omer, G’vurah sheb’Hod. We use discernment to understand and accept how the world really works, the underlying configuration of the universe. We assess our options when evaluating alternatives from among many choices. Informed choice is important whether we are choosing a career or ordering off a comprehensive menu at the kosher deli. In each case, whether momentous or minor, we appreciate the opportunity we have to choose from many splendid options. As spiritual seekers, we may be attracted to a variety of spiritual paths and practices throughout our lives. We may find a certain text full of answers at one life stage when, earlier, it seemed obscure or irrelevant. Discerning which is right for who we are this stage of our lives is a G’vurah sheb’Hod task”(Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p157).

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