Jeremy’s thoughts on breakfast minyan

August 25, 2017
By bethmordecai
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Jeremy’s thoughts on breakfast minyan

Jeremy’s thoughts on breakfast minyan:

Those of you who are regulars on Friday night know I’ve never been an advocate of racing through services in order to get “through it” quicker. I have too much respect for the liturgy to race through it. And I find that a calm and reflective service is just what I need to ease me into a shabbat frame of mind.

So why am I leading breakfast minyan? I was a skeptic when Marc introduced the idea. But I don’t see breakfast minyan as a way to get out the door early so I can spend Saturday doing something else. I see it as a way to focus more intently on the davening.

Truth be told, I take the davening a little slower than Marc does. I include plenty of singing to get in the mood and create a sense of communal endeavor. And I make sure to hit all of the high notes in the liturgy.

Please join me this week. Susan and Jerry are providing a nice bagel breakfast at 9am. And we need a minyan so Susan can say kaddish for her mother.

Category : Rabbi's Journal