Posts Tagged ‘end of the omer’

end of the omer

June 3, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 49: Indwelling Presence (מלכות/שכינה) within Indwelling Presence (מלכות/שכינה)

Day 49 -- מלכות/שכינה שבמלכות/שכינה (Indwelling Presence within Indwelling Presence) Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote beautifully on revelation: "The nature of revelation, being an event in the realm of the ineffable is something which words cannot spell, which human language will never be able to portray. Our categories are not applicable to that which is both within and beyond the realm of matter and mind. In speaking about revelation, the more descriptive the terms, the less adequate is the description. "Revelation is a mystery for which reason has no concepts. "Collecting the memories of the sparks of illuminations we have perceived, the installments of insight that have been bestowed upon us through the years, we will find it impossible to remain certain of the impossibility of revelation." Today[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning Shavuot
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