Posts Tagged ‘jewish text’

jewish text

April 30, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 15: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Harmony (תפארת)

"We know that each individual is part of a large, harmonious system that has been unfolding for millions of years. We honor our ancestors’ struggles to harmonize contradictions, to find calm in paradox, and we are grateful to them for capturing some of that struggle in writing. The Talmud, for example is full of legal discussions, chronicling attempts to resolve opposing opinions about the proper interpretation of Jewish law. It also contains hundreds of stories and anecdotes, examples of the attempts of our ancestors to choose honorable ways to live their lives. Study of sacred texts and wisdom literature is at the heart of the Jewish spiritual path" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p.100) For other days of the Omer,[...]

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