Posts Tagged ‘one on one’

one on one

July 10, 2012
By bethmordecai
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DAY 10: New York, New York!

Dear Hevreh, I am very excited because I am on my way to New York City today!  It'll be nice to step out onto the streets I called home for over a decade, but more than anything else, this trip is about a threefold commitment I am making to our community: 1) PROVIDING MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCES - This morning I will be meeting with Cantor Levine to start working on High Holiday services that are meaningful, spiritual, and relevant to our Jewish community.  These are the kinds of activities that get me very excited and I look forward to being part of a team (which can include all of you!) to provide high quality spiritual experiences.  I am psyched for the High Holidays[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur
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one on one

July 6, 2012
By bethmordecai
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DAY 6 — Reflection on the week, looking forward to the future

Dear Hevreh, (NOTE: This email is a little longer)  Wow, I can't believe my first official week is almost over.  I've enjoyed every minute of it, even the little mundane stuff I need to do to put my office together.  However, my favorite moments of the week have been meeting and talking with people about their Jewish journeys.  I've been trying to do a lot of that, but I need to do more.  As I mentioned, it is my goal to meet with every willing member of the community to get to know you better, and I'd like to apologize in advance to all of those who I haven't called yet and who I won't call for awhile as I make my[...]

Category : Rabbi's Journal
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one on one

July 3, 2012
By bethmordecai
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Day 3 – Reflection Inspired by Fireworks

Dear Hevreh, As I sat waiting for the fireworks at the Perth Amboy marina, I saw many kids running around, smiling, laughing, and falling.  I don't know what it is, but there is something about fireworks that brings out the kid in me.  The sound, the sight, the spectacle is just so magical.  My mind is mesmerized, my attention is arrested.  It's a moment that inspires. This afternoon, I met with Larry Deutchman at Panera in Woodbridge.  Among the many things we talked about was the importance of having a vision for where we want our shul to go.   A vision is not just a plan for the future, it's a code of belief that inspires us as we move forward.[...]

Category : Perth Amboy News Rabbi's Journal
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one on one

July 2, 2012
By bethmordecai
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DAY 2 — Reflection on Wisdom

Dear Hevreh, Everyone is unique.  Today I met with two members of our community (Harriet Pearlman and Vardi Roy) and a colleague (Cantor Sheldon Levin from Neve Shalom in Metuchen).  Each meeting was different with incredible stories, insights, and teachings learned from different life journeys.  I did my best to listen, to learn, and to share my thoughts when appropriate.  It is amazing what wisdom we contain, if only we are open to sharing it and to listening to it. Tomorrow I am meeting with another colleague (Rabbi Ben Goldstein of Temple Beth El-Mekor Chayim in Cranford) and two more community members (Larry Deutchman and Scott Gursky).  I pray that I will be open to hearing their unique wisdom they to teach[...]

Category : Rabbi's Journal
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