Posts Tagged ‘relationships’


April 25, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting of the Omer — Day 10: Harmony (תפארת) sheb’G’vurah (Discernment/Strength)

"Judgment out of balance can lead to severity, cruitely, critical gossip, enmity or violence. Without harmonizing influences, judgment is the source of prejudice and intolerance. Adding heart and balance to the strength of discernment helps us to remember that appropriate choices are necessary if we are to live with others harmoniously, acting with righteous intent toward others and ourselves" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p.78). For other days of the Omer, please click here

Category : Omer Online Learning
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November 15, 2012
By bethmordecai
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DAY 138: In memory of Cantor David Lavine z”l

Dear Hevreh, Psalm 31:13 נשכחתי כמת מלב הייתי ככלי אבד I am put out of mind like the dead; I am like an object given up for lost The sad news of the sudden passing of Cantor David Lavine z"l is a reminder to me of the gift and tenuousness of life.  Over the past couple of months, I spent a good time with Cantor Lavine preparing for the holidays, and though our relationship was a professional one, he was a big part of my life for my first few months at Beth Mordecai.  I would call him often, to plan our meetings in New York, discuss innovative ideas for services (we used some of his brainstorms in our service), and to practice the[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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