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DAY 620: Top 5 For Homecoming — #4: Outlining A Vision

March 12, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 620: Top 5 For Homecoming — #4: Outlining A Vision


The Top 5 Reasons I’m Excited for Homecoming continues…
#4 — Outlining a Vision
Ever since I arrived at Beth Mordecai I’ve heard of these wonderful stories about the Jewish life that used to be here. I’ve also heard some remarkable stories from people who aremaking a Jewish home at Beth Mordecai. The past and the present, separated by generations and by memories. What would it look like though to bring our past and our present together? Is there a shared bond based in our different experiences in this holy space to create a united, diverse, and extended Beth Mordecai community? I think there is; I think there is a bond waiting to be made that will create a far reaching, united, and meaningful Jewish community that is unlike any Jewish community out there. I think we can sow bonds that will reach far back into the past and extend beyond our sight into the future. And those bonds begin with one shared experience…Homecoming.
Kol Tuv,
Rabbi Ari Saks

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