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DAY 409: Making Meaning

August 13, 2013
By bethmordecai
no comments.

DAY 409: Making Meaning

Dear Hevreh,

Wow, what an incredible Shabbat. The music, the dancing, the spirit, the views by the bay, the delicious food…everything about Shabbat by the Sea this past Friday was amazing! With nearly 60 people at our unique service and over 40 people at our community dinner, it was a highlight event for our Jewish Home for the Soul.

Check out this link for some pre-Shabbat pictures from Shabbat by the Sea!

Yet the moment that really did it for me, the moment in which I knew we really hit on something, the moment in which I knew what we did was “soulful,” was when Alan Siegel mentioned to me that “it wasn’t just fun, it was also meaningful.”

That comment, more than anything, encapsulates the whole reason we run programs and events like Shabbat by the Sea — to bring meaning into our lives.

Yet it’s not just ritual events like Shabbat by the Sea that should give us meaning, it’s also fundraisers like our Duck Race or social events like our holiday parties and Sunday field trips. Any moment we can connect with one another as a community is an opportunity for meaning making, so let’s make every moment count.

Join us at any point today from 2-4 pm at Panera in Edison (by Menlo Park) for a phone-a-thon to reach out to local businesses so they can advertise their products and services at our Duck Race in October. The schul will provide the coffee and the pastries, you’ll provide the cell phones, and together we’ll create the meaning.

Kol Tuv,

Rabbi Ari Saks

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