Posts Tagged ‘control’


April 27, 2016
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1397: The Passover Seder – The Illusion of Order and the Reality of Chaos

The setup of our Seder last night. The calm before the storm (lol) - Scott Gursky Dear Hevreh, Our tables are set with an expected order. Forks on the left with the salad fork on the outside; dishes stacked to reflect the order in which we will eat; and the wine and water glasses neatly arranged for ease of use and aesthetic value. An immaculately set table is abeautiful sight to behold but it's orderly beauty is set in contradistinction the wonderful chaos and life of a meal. Spilled drinks, table banging, loud children noises, interrupted conversations, and bellowing laughter make meals -- especially large Seder meals -- an incredibly messy, but beautiful, experience to have.[...]

Category : Holidays home Passover Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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April 24, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 8: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Discernment/Strength (גבורה)

"By discerning and restraining our impulses we can more deeply understand the deep flow of love within them. Each time we stop ourselves from impulsive behavior in realization that such behavior could harm someone we love, we are acting from lovingkindness within discernment. Those choices can sweeten our appreciation of our choices" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide p.71).  For other days of the Omer, please click here 

Category : Omer Online Learning
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