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Posts Tagged ‘rabbi’


January 15, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 564: Praying Is Not Just For Shul

Dear Hevreh, In most sanctuaries, there is a verse from scripture placed above the ark. Residing at eye level with the ner tamid (eternal flame) this scripture is a meditative piece to remind the worshippers in the pews of the intention behind our prayers. One of the most popular phrases to adorn the top of a sanctuary is an adaptation from a Talmudic phrase: דע לפני מי אתה עומד -- Know Before Whom You Stand (Masekhet B'rakhot 28b). We worship before a God, a Presence, so much greater than ourselves, and when we stand in worship, we must be aware of that powerful Presence. The Talmudic source for this quote indicates that it came as Rabbi Eliezer was on his death[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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January 10, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 559: Shabbat Is Good

Dear Hevreh, I have one thought to leave you today. Shabbat is good, so let's share in all of the goodness of Shabbat tonight at shul! And to kick off the sharing of that goodness...enjoy this song by the great Shlomo Carlebach which we will sing tonight! Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Ari Saks Photo courtesy of 

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat
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January 6, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 555: The Purpose of Community

Dear Hevreh, There are many purposes for being a part of a Jewish community -- to build a social network of friends, to have a place to celebrate and honor lifecycle events, to learn about and experience the wisdom of Judaism, and to experience a connection with God among others. All of these purposes were on display this past Shabbat morning as more than 20 members of our extended community us braved the cold and the snow to help Rachel and I bentsch gomel after last week's accident. As Rachel shared with me later, more significant than the act of reciting gomel is the community that came out to make sure that we could recite gomel. It was a special feeling[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat
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January 3, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 552: Needing to Feel the Light of Shabbat

Dear Hevreh, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel writes that Shabbat is a palace in time, a physical abode for the spirit in the hidden reality of time. In short, it's the home for our souls to feel safe and secure from the ravages of the world. This security is not brought on by by being surrounded by the creature comforts of physical things, but by being immersed in the aura of the spiritual realm in which our souls experience the light of God's love for all of creation. That godly light, which our souls transfer to our temporal bodies on moments like Shabbat, not only remind us of God's watchful presence in our lives but helps us experience God in a personal, intimate, and[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat
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January 2, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 551: Being Grateful For Surviving a Harrowing Experience (WE’RE SAFE!)

Dear Hevreh,   There are experiences that leave you breathless in a good way -- getting a job, having a baby, celebrating a simhah -- the seminal moments in your life that you'll  not only never forget, but leave you grateful and changed for the better.   Then there are experiences  that are unforgettable and leave you a bad way; the moments you'll never forget and never wished you had. And while ALL OF US ARE OK AND HEALTHY, Rachel, myself, and our little Jonah experienced one of those moments yesterday.   We were driving normally on the Turnpike to visit Rachel's parents for New Year's Day when all of a sudden we got hit hard by a car from behind us. Our excellent and safe car responded by skidding and[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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December 31, 2013
By bethmordecai
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DAY 549: Stories and Shtickle

Dear Hevreh,   Over the past two months, a small group of us have discussed plans for an adult education program for our community and out of that process has emerged two distinct themes: stories and shtickle.   First, stories. To anyone who has come to Friday night services or read some of my journals (like this one or that one), you'll know that stories are an important aspect of my rabbinate. Not only is storytelling one of the most effective ways of communicating ideas, especially in our culture which has a storied oral tradition, but it also provides an access point for us to share the Unique Torah we've accumulated from our life experiences. And by sharing those stories to access our Unique Torah, we create[...]

Category : Adult Education Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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December 30, 2013
By bethmordecai
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DAY 548: The Need To Self-Scout

Dear Hevreh,   This is one of my favorite times of the year, and not just because it is the beginning of a new year, but because as an avid football fan it is the beginning of the playoffs of the National Football League as well as Bowl season (which is another type of playoff) for college football. I feel especially joyous because yesterday my favorite football team, thePhiladelphia Eagles, clinched an unlikely spot in the playoffs. The next few weeks will be full of anticipation and excitement as the Eagles, along with 11 other franchises (and their fan bases) vie for a spot in the most widely watched sporting event for the year -- the Super[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Rubber Duck Race
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December 24, 2013
By bethmordecai
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DAY 542: The Festive Meal of Chopsticks

Dear Hevreh, Tonight we celebrate a unique and (very) American Jewish tradition of Chinese food and a movie on Christmas Eve. While this holiday may not be on the same spiritual level as some of those that have been described in the Bible, the Festive Meal of Chopsticks has inspired it's own Talmud tractate (section), which among other details explains how the extra container of rice is set aside for Elijah the Prophet. In all seriousness though, tonight's festivities speak to the creative Jewish spirit to forge new traditions and pathways for expressing our Jewishness. It's a simple activity -- dinner and a movie -- but many of our well known rituals (like lighting candles, breaking a[...]

Category : Events Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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December 20, 2013
By bethmordecai
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DAY 538: Being Grateful to Help Honor an Honorable Name + Link to online parashah class

Dear Hevreh, Yesterday, I had the honor of officiating at the funeral for Mike Seidel z"l, a past President of Beth Mordecai. It's moments like these that remind me how grateful I am to be your rabbi -- to learn about Mike's humility, perseverance, and love of service (especially as President of Beth Mordecai), and to share some of those stories with his family in the hope that by couching them in Jewish language these stories and anecdotes from Mike's life will help them cope with his passing. I am also grateful for our Jewish tradition that is full of timeless wisdom on how to treat a person on the last stage of life's journey and how to ease family members[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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December 17, 2013
By bethmordecai
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DAY 535: ONE Jewish People

Today we celebrate our unity. Today we honor our diversity. Today we glorify the beauty of Klal Yisrael (people of Israel) - Day 295: Klal Yisrael Dear Hevreh, I shared the words written above last Spring when four Jewish institutions in northern Middlesex County -- Beth Mordecai, Neve Shalom, Temple Emanu-El, and the JCC -- came together to work on a program to celebrate our love for the Jewish homeland of Israel. I return to these words because this Sunday from 9 am -- 12 pm we have another opportunity to experience the glory of Klal Yisrael with an amazing Bible Family Fun Day program which we are co-sponsoring with the other three northern Jewish Middlesex institutions and Middlesex Federation and the Conservative[...]

Category : Middlesex Jewish News Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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