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‘Rabbi’ Category


April 13, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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This Week’s Torah Portion, Sh’mini – The deaths of two of Aaron’s sons

Good afternoon, I hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather today! Please enjoy my thoughts on this week's Torah portion, Sh'mini. This week we read the account in the Torah of the deaths of two of Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu.  We are told that “they brought before the Lord foreign fire, which He had not commanded them.” (Lev. 9:1) In the very next verse, we read, “And fire went forth from before the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.” Lev. 9:2.  The question we are left with is: why did God kill Nadav and Avihu? What was their great crime? Rashi brings two possible reasons for their deaths, attributed to Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Ishmael respectively.  Nadav and[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


April 9, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Ever Wonder… Who is God?

Join Rabbi Metz to explore what Jewish tradition teaches, and what you think about God. Thursday, April 12 & 19,  7 p.m. at Congregation Beth Mordecai RSVP by April 5 to  

Category : Adult Education Announcements Faith Rabbi Tradition


April 5, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Passover, Freedom and the Hallel Prayers

Good Morning,   I would like to share with you some thoughts on Passover, freedom and the Hallel prayers.  Please let me know your thoughts or questions at   Hallel is the collection of psalms we joyously sing to celebrate a holiday or the beginning of a Hebrew month, on Rosh Chodesh.  Usually, we sing the psalms together as one unit during the day. Earlier this week during the Passover Seder, we said Hallel at night and it was split into two sections.  This strange happenstance should be a bright flashing light, trying to teach us something.  The way in which Hallel is split is symbolic.  The first part of Hallel focuses on our joined communal memory of our redemption from[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


March 23, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Shabbat Message: “Come Closer”

Good Afternoon, “Come closer.”  This is what God is saying to us.  Our weekly portion, Tzav,  focuses on the different types of sacrifices the priests or kohanim would offer in the Tabernacle.  The Torah describes the multiple animal and grain sacrifices, what is given, when, why and how.  I often say that every translation is an interpretation. The word “sacrifice” we use in English, has the connotation of giving something up, voluntarily or compulsory. In Hebrew, the word that is used to describe the animal, grain or act is korban, קרבן.  This is the noun that comes from the Hebrew verb, להקריב.   Sacrifice is not a good English translation as it does not give the same nuance as the Hebrew.  The verb, להקריב,[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


March 16, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Shabbat Mesage: Committing an unintentional sin

Good Afternoon,   This week we start reading the book of Leviticus.  This book outlines the many intricacies involving the procedures a Priest would conduct including sacrifices.  In this Torah portion, Moses also teaches the people the laws of which sacrifices to give and when.  One of the situations discussed is when a person commits an unintentional sin.     According to Hasidic thought and various psychological approaches as well, when we do something inadvertently, it is not a mere accident but it is our motives coming out from deep in our soul or subconscious.  These actions reveal what is truly going on deep in us.  Thus, one should not only ask forgiveness and make amends for the actual act that was committed, but for[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat


March 9, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Shabbat Message from Rabbi Metz – D’var Torah: A Woman’s Gifts

Good Morning, This week I would like to share with you a thought-provoking interpretation of this week's Torah portion.  This was written by one of my teachers, Rabbi Joel Levy, of the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. We will discuss this further Shabbat morning. Please share your thoughts with me at D'var Torah: A Woman's Gifts Rabbi Joel Levy, Rosh Yeshiva, Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem  This double parasha, which describes the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness, mentions various contributions made specifically by the Israelite women. The first is found in Exodus 35:25-26: "...every woman wise of mind with their hands they spun ... the goats'-hair." By way of the ancient and time-consuming activity of hand-spinning - twisting fibers together to[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat


March 2, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Shabbat Message from Rabbi Metz – Tangible Objects of Holiness

Good Afternoon, We have all see various depictions in film and art of Moses descending Mt. Sinai with the tablets in his hands.  He then sees the Israelites below him worshipping the golden calf and throws the tablets down as they shatter below him.  We read of this scene in this week’s parshah, Ki Tissa. The Kuzari, written by the medieval Spanish Jewish philosopher and poet Judah Halevi explains one possible reason for how the people could commit idol worship so soon after the revelation at Sinai.  Halevi explains that the people were waiting with great anticipation for Moses to return. But what were they expecting to receive, the tablets of what was written on them? Halevi explains that the people needed some[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


February 3, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Metz

Good Morning, “Remember the Sabbath day and sanctify it. Six days you will work and perform all your labor, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord, your God; you shall perform no labor, neither you, your son, your daughter, your manservant, your maidservant, your beast, nor the immigrant living among you. For six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it."  Exodus 20:8-11 Every Shabbat morning we say these words just before reciting the blessing over wine, sanctifying the day of Shabbat.  According to these verses, all the people and animals who either work[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


January 26, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Shabbat Message

Good Afternoon, What would you do, standing at the banks of the Red Sea or the Sea of Reeds, having just escaped slavery and you hear the Egyptian army approaching in their chariots?  This week we read of the incredible miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea.  Exodus Chapter 14:15 states: The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry out to Me? Speak to the children of Israel and let them travel.  The Medieval commentator, Rashi explains that this verse “teaches us that Moses was standing and praying. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “This is no time to pray at length when Israel is in distress.”  God then commands Moses to stretch his staff over the[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


January 24, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Rabbi Metz’ Israeli Visit, part 2

Good morning, Please read the following thoughts on my past few days in Israel and share your thoughts with me at Shabbat in Jerusalem is an incredible and special experience.  While the city does not stop, it slows. (more…)

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal

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