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‘Rabbi’ Category


January 19, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Rabbi’s Israeli Visit, part 1

Our first day was busy and full of touring the Old City in the rain. We landed about 5:30 in the morning and had a full and exhausting day!  Walking through the wet, slippery and history filled streets of the Old City, we learned together about the many different communities and religions who lived in Jerusalem and the many who still do. (more…)

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


January 12, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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‘Let My People Go!’

“Let my people go!” Moses exclaims these well-known words to Pharaoh in this week’s Torah portion.  We also read of God sending the first seven of the plagues, Blood, Frogs, Lice, Wild Beasts, Pestilence, Boils, and Fiery Hail.  Pharaoh’s heart is hardened and we do not go free. As Moses prepares to go to Pharaoh, God tells him, “I place you in the role of God to Pharaoh, with your brother, Aaron, as your prophet.” (Exodus 7:1)  What can we learn from God placing Moses in this God-like role? One lesson we may take from this is recognizing the Godliness in others. Our creation narrative reminds us that people are created in the image of God. Rabbi Bradley Artson writes[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


January 11, 2018
By Beth Mordecai
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Rabbi Metz’ Israel Mission

Dear Congregation Beth Mordecai Community,   I will be participating in an interfaith clergy mission to Israel from January 16 - 24.  If an emergency arises, please contact Elliot Rubin at 732-442-1373.     I will also be reachable via email (with a time difference for Israel) and will be able to follow up by phone.   This mission to Israel aims to help all participants, gain a greater and more nuanced view of Israel and the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.    While away, I will be writing a blog comprised of short entries about the experience.  These entries will be emailed to the community 2-3 times during the week and will be posted on our website at   Upon my return, I am excited to share and[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


December 15, 2017
By bethmordecai
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On the first night of Hanukkah, how many candles do we light?

I would like to share with you these wise words which were written by a fifth-year student, Sam Rotenberg, at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. Please let me know your thoughts and reactions: "On the first night of Hanukkah, how many candles do we light? (more…)

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


December 8, 2017
By Beth Mordecai
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How are you?

How are you? How many times a day do we ask this and are we asked? How do you answer? Do you say, I’m good thanks, you? Or do you actually answer the question? In this week's parsha, Vayeishev, we read about the sibling rivalry between Joseph and his brothers, how they sell him into slavery in Egypt and how Joseph ultimately succeeds there. I would like to focus on one specific verse, early in the parsha. Joseph's brothers are pasturing their sheep in the surrounding area called, Shechem. Israel becomes fearful of his sons' safety and sends Joseph to check on them. The wording that is used here is: 'lech-na re'eh et-shalom achecha', which translates more literally as "go see the peace[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal


August 25, 2017
By bethmordecai
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Welcome Rabbi Sara Metz!

Rabbi Sara Metz grew up in North Haven, Connecticut, and graduated with a BA in American Studies and Near East and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University.  She received rabbinic ordination from The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and master’s degrees in Jewish Education and Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University. Rabbi Metz loves to study and discuss each week’s Torah portion, gleaning modern insights from an ancient text.  She loves to get outside and go hiking or biking. Rabbi Metz also loves to bake challah every week for shabbat, cook new recipes, crochet, and knit. During Sukkot in 2007 she and Lev met while enjoying dinner in the sukkah.  They were married in 2010 and have three children, Doron, Eitan[...]

Category : Rabbi
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May 5, 2017
By bethmordecai
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An Evening Honoring Rabbi Ari Saks

Our Jewish home for the soul is honoring Rabbi Ari Y. Saks on Sunday, June 11.

Category : Rabbi


December 16, 2016
By bethmordecai
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Rabbi Saks’ Letter to the Community about his future

Dear Hevreh, My very first day as rabbi of Beth Mordecai, I excitedly penned an email entitled “DAY 1” to share the “first step” in my rabbinic journey at Beth Mordecai. Now, nearly 1700 days since that first email, I write this letter with very different emotions to tell you that the next step in my rabbinic journey will take me in a different direction, and that after June 30, 2017 I will no longer be the rabbi of Beth Mordecai. I can’t even begin to consider the impact of all the days I’ve counted, all of the steps I’ve taken along my rabbinic journey with you. How can I truly relate the emotions of the times we’ve laughed together, cried together,[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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August 15, 2016
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1506: No Synagogue Required

Dear Hevreh, Yesterday (Sunday) I had the pleasure of spending the end of Tisha B'av learning Torah with a number of 20s and 30s who live in Highland Park. Many topics were included in this marathon of learning including... how Tisha B'av implores us to feel the pain of historical collective trauma, how we struggle with understanding why bad things happen to seemingly good people, and how our love affair with Jerusalem revolves around lamenting its destruction and hoping for its rebirth (among other topics). The conversation was stimulating, variegated, and incisive because we weren't shy to share our own perspectives - our Unique Torah - and we weren't afraid to listen and be moved by the teachings of[...]

Category : home Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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July 21, 2016
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1468: A Prayer to Breathe

Dear Hevreh, Below you'll find a prayer I wrote in honor of the victims of the Dallas shooting which I'll be reading at a vigil today organized by the Perth Amboy Chaplain Corps. I will be speaking on this prayer (and the sources quoted) during my talk tonight. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Ari Saks Adonai Elohei Haruchot L'khol Basar, God, Source of the breath of all flesh (Numbers 27:15) You breathed your spirit into the nostrils of the First Human (Genesis 2:7) Imbuing our earthly bodies with your heavenly spirit (Rashi on Genesis 2:7) A pure spirit (Talmud Masekhet B'rakhot 60b; Birkhot Hashahar) So as long as I breathe, I acknowledge Your Presence (Talmud Masekhet B'rakhot 60b; Birkhot Hashahar) Lord in this moment of hamas, of anger and hostility (Genesis[...]

Category : American Jewish News home Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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