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‘Rabbi’s Journal’ Category

Rabbi’s Journal

December 24, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1272: Tonight’s Tradition

(12/24/15), Reflection on tonight's Chinese Dinner & A Movie event... Dear Hevreh, A brief search of Facebook events reveals the extent to which the custom (minhag) of Chinese Dinner and a Movie on Christmas seems as powerful as any biblical or rabbinic law (halakhah). This should not be surprising. Whether it's eating bagels and lox on weekends, placing rocks on gravestones, or arguing over the check, Jewish customs are extremely potent markers of Jewish practice and identity. The rabbis knew this. Even in a system whereby laws (halakhot) were authoritative because of the weight of biblical precedent or rabbinic decree, customs held great sway because they were created and maintained by the people (amkha). In some instances, customs were so deliciously[...]

Category : Holidays Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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Rabbi’s Journal

December 20, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1268: Shabbat of Shalom

(12/20/15), Reflection on Friday night's White Out Shabbat with the theme of "Peacefulness"... Dear Hevreh, Peacefulness is not a state of being, it's not a place in which we feel "at peace." Rather peacefulness is a mentality, a willingness to put our minds, bodies, and souls in the right position to feel at peace. This doesn't just happen. It's not like there's a simple breath meditation that will blow down the walls of anxiety that make us feel restless, full of worry, and concern. However through each breath meditation, each song we sing together, each conversation we have about trying to bring peace into our lives, the more likely we make peace possible. God is called oseh shalom, the maker of peace, but[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat White Out Friday Night
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Rabbi’s Journal

December 3, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1251: The Miracle of Hanukkah — Choosing to Act and Have Faith As Jews

Reflections on thoughts leading to Sunday's Hanukkah Party (see below after the text) אך עיקר הנס היה בחנוכה מה שניצחו החשמונאים במתי מספר את היונים שהיו מולכים בכל העולם והיו עם רב. אבל הנס שהיה בשמן היה רק מצד ה' יתברך שהיה חביבה לפניו הדלקה זו. שישרארל מצידם כיון שטימאו כל השנים וללא היה להם שמן היו פטורים ממצות הדלק המנורה; דאונס רחמנא פטריה. וכל שכן שלא היו מחויבים למסור נפשם בעד מצוה זו. רק שהראה ה' יתברך אז שחביבה הדלקת המנורה לפניו והמציא לפניהם בנס שמן להדלקת הנרות.     - רב צדוק הכוהן מלובלין -- פרי צדק בראשית לחנוכה The essential miracle of Hanukkah was the Maccabees, with only a small number, defeating the Greeks who controlled the world[...]

Category : Hanukkah Holidays Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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Rabbi’s Journal

November 20, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1238: Understanding “Discomfort” for Interfaith Families

Reflection on working last weekend with interfaith families in Faithful Families & Grandparents Circle  Dear Hevreh, "Discomfort." If I had to name the single most intractable challenge for interfaith families to overcome, it would be "discomfort." In particular, it's the discomfort of Jewish parents in knowing their kids and especially their grandkids are being exposed to the traditions of other faiths, and it's the discomfort of those intermarried kids (many of whom are now parents) in engaging with a potentially contentious topic without the unilateral support of their family and clergy. The result of the discomfort for the former is that in order to remain in relationship with their families, the Jewish parents tread very carefully on the[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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Rabbi’s Journal

October 28, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1215: Holding Up A Mirror

Dear Hevreh, It's been awhile since I've last written and I admit, it's been something that I've missed. With the hustle and bustle of daily life it's easy to to forget the need to reflect. Yet, without reflecting we aren't able to see what's going on around us and what we're apart of. Think about the Hebrew term for "mirror" -- r'ee (ראי). It comes from the root r-a-h (ראה) meaning "to see." A mirror helps us see ourselves -- our flaws and strengths -- so that when we "hold it up to ourselves" we can better understand what makes us tick. Without the reflection our inner mirrors give to us, we will go through life stumbling and pushing up against the world,[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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Rabbi’s Journal

October 16, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1203: Let Us Never Forget Thee O Jerusalem

"אם אשכחך ירושלים תשכח ימיני" -- טעם ימיני בעבור כנורותינו כי בימין נגון היתרים  - אברהם אבן עזרא על תהילים קלז:ה "If I forget thee O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither" -- The meaning of "right hand" has to do with [playing] our violins (or musical instruments) because you use your right hand to play the strings - Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra (12th Century, Spain) on Psalms 137:5   Dear Hevreh, If you've ever been to Jerusalem, you'll notice that there's music always in the air. It's not the kind you hear on the radio or in a beautiful sanctuary, but the kind you hear within your soul. It's music that's been playing since the moment God saved Isaac on the top of Mt. Moriah,[...]

Category : home Israeli News Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Services Shabbat
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Rabbi’s Journal

September 6, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1163: What the NFL and Rosh Hashanah Have in Common

(9/6/15), I'm a big football fan and this week is the lead-up to the regular season of the National Football League (NFL).  Each week/game is important because there are so few games in the year (as oppose to all other professional sports who play multiple games a week). That being said, certain weeks are bigger than others because the opponent is either a hated rival or a contending team. Those weeks are often called by the name of the opponent, as in "Dallas Week" when my favorite team, the Philadelphia Eagles, play the hated Dallas Cowboys. That week boasts a lot of hype and a lot of energy and enthusiasm because you really want your team to win that game. That[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Rosh Hashanah
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Rabbi’s Journal

August 14, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1140: How Facebook Made Our Minyan

(8/14/15), Dear Hevreh, I'm always trying to tinker with our Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat experiences. It could be linking Adult learning with Tot Shabbat as we will do tomorrow morning, or it could bemeals at people's homes as we did in the Spring, or it could be a Family and Community Shabbat by the Sea experience like we'll have at the end of August, or it could be something as simple as having a dedicated Shabbat to celebrate people's smahot (special occasions). The goal is not just to change things up for the sake of change, but to find meaningful, interesting, and creative ways of connecting together as a community.[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat Social Media
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Rabbi’s Journal

August 13, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1139: Where Is Home?

(8/13/15), "Wherever we are together, that is home." Dear Hevreh, This past week I spent some quality time with family. We rented a home on the beach and written upon one of the walls of the house was the quote from above -- wherever we are together, that is home. How appropriate because though this rented space was not the physical home any of us lived in before this week, we made it home because we were there together. Home is not simply the place we grew up. In the first mention of the Hebrew word for home or house (b-y-t) in the Torah, Abram (before he's called "Abraham") is told by God to leave "your father's house" (Genesis 12:1). Only a few short chapters[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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Rabbi’s Journal

August 7, 2015
By bethmordecai
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DAY 1133: The “Oy” of Joy

(8/7/15), Somewhere between mile two and three on the beautiful Green Trail of Cheesequake State Park, Reverend Anne-Marie Jeffery of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Perth Amboy and I were talking about the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is analogous to comfort -- when life is good to us, we feel happy; when we are worry free, we feel happy; when we can sit back and relax in our favorite easy chair, we feel happy. When things are easy, we feel happy, But when things are hard -- when we are engaged in a difficult or challenging task -- can we feel happy? Take for instance a hike in the forest. Not one of those strolls on wide dirt roads, but[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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