Counting the Omer — Day 33: Splendor (הוד) within Splendor (הוד)

May 18, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 33: Splendor (הוד) within Splendor (הוד)

Day 33 (Lag Ba-Omer!) — הוד שבהוד (Splendor within Splendor)

Hod sheb’Hod asks us to recognize the myriad splendors of the world around us…the splendor within the splendor. In his book Lights of Holiness, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook says: “The whole is constituted of numberless particulars, particular individuals and particular communities. The whole cannot achieve its highest fulfillment except through the perfection of its particular individuals, and the particular communities, whether large or small, of which it is constituted.” Hod sheb’Hod mirrors the splendor of creation, the unfolding mystery of electrons within atoms within molecules within chemicals within cells within heart muscles. We wonder at the mystery of why planes fly and whether dogs have a sense of humor. we speculate about the nature of fire, the miracles of healing and the challenges of love. Today is a day to think like a young child asking questions about the nature of reality, in delight and wonder (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guidep.168).

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