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Posts Tagged ‘הוד’


June 2, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 48: Foundation (יסוד) within Indwelling Presence (מלכות/שכינה) + Teaching for Day 47

Day 48 -- יסוד שבמלכות/שכינה (Foundation within Indwelling Presence) + Teaching from Day 47 Day 47 We can understand how Hod, the s’firah of splendor, influences Malkhut/Sh’khinah in the magnificent variety of ways the Source of all reality is apparent in our lives. Any ancient Jewish sources recognize the validity of this diversity in Torah interpretation. The Mishnah (Pirkei Avot 5:22) says: “Ben Bag Bag said: ‘Turn it over and again turn it over, for all is within.” Today we remember that multiple interpretations are important, that minority opinions need to be recorded and that anything can be viewed though a variety of lenses (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guidep.223). Day 48 The best foundations are not rigid, but are designed[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 25, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 40: Splendor (הוד) within Foundation (יסוד)

Day 40 -- הוד שביסוד (Splendor within Foundation) The great flood described in Genesis lasts forty days and forty nights, the same period of time as Moses remained on the mountain listening to God’s instructions before descending with the stone tablets. The Bible is telling us that forty days is sufficient time for a major transformation to occur. Today, the fortieth day of counting the Omer, we are reminded of that potential. Although all change is difficult, and people have personal histories and goals that influence their ability and desire to change, transformation is possible. In the context of religious or spiritual community, change is complex. Individual childhood memories, religious experiences and familial expectations influence each person, leaving them with a fondness for remembered[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 20, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 35: Indwelling Presence (מלכות/שכינה( within Splendor (הוד)

Day 35 -- מלכות/שכינה שבהוד (Indwelling Presence within Splendor) The s’firah of Malkhut/Sh’khinah acknowledges that the best kind of sovereignty, the noblest stewardship, arises from recognizing the Divine Presence within all creation. As this s’firah influences Hod, we recognize holiness within ll life’s complexity, and see each minuscule part as part of a larger harmonious whole. We are just a small part of this undivided totality, remaining alive only because each breath of life is a personal gift (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p.174).

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 19, 2014
By bethmordecai
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May 18, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 33: Splendor (הוד) within Splendor (הוד)

Day 33 (Lag Ba-Omer!) -- הוד שבהוד (Splendor within Splendor) Hod sheb’Hod asks us to recognize the myriad splendors of the world around us…the splendor within the splendor. In his book Lights of Holiness, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook says: “The whole is constituted of numberless particulars, particular individuals and particular communities. The whole cannot achieve its highest fulfillment except through the perfection of its particular individuals, and the particular communities, whether large or small, of which it is constituted.” Hod sheb’Hod mirrors the splendor of creation, the unfolding mystery of electrons within atoms within molecules within chemicals within cells within heart muscles. We wonder at the mystery of why planes fly and whether dogs have a sense of humor. we speculate about the nature of fire, the miracles of[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 15, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 30: Discernment/Strength (גבורה) within Splendor (הוד)

“Maturity and acceptance are connected with the theme of this thirtieth day of the Omer, G’vurah sheb’Hod. We use discernment to understand and accept how the world really works, the underlying configuration of the universe. We assess our options when evaluating alternatives from among many choices. Informed choice is important whether we are choosing a career or ordering off a comprehensive menu at the kosher deli. In each case, whether momentous or minor, we appreciate the opportunity we have to choose from many splendid options. As spiritual seekers, we may be attracted to a variety of spiritual paths and practices throughout our lives. We may find a certain text full of answers at one life stage when, earlier, it seemed obscure or[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 14, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 29: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Splendor (הוד)

"Hesed sheb’Hod magnifies details of love. In her famous poem, Elizabeth Barrett Browning asks: “How do I love Thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.” God’s lovingkindness is evident in the myriad blessings in our lives. We pay attention to the intimate details of blessing’s flow today: the pulse inout veins, a child’s giggles, the changing light of a flickering Havdalah candle, the wings of a butterfly in the sunlight, distinctive spices in a tasty meal, subtle variations in our lovers’ glances or the differing pitches in the sound of a babbling stream" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p154). For other days of the Omer, Omer Online Learning
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May 11, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 26: Splendor (הוד) within Endurance (נצח)

Day 26 -- הוד שבנצח: Splendor within Endurance Jewish tradition sometimes describes our bodies as garments for our souls. Our bodies, each of them unique, are the splendid containers, the Hod for the Netzah of our spiritual energy (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guidep.139).

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 4, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 19: Splendor (הוד) within Harmony (תפארת)

Day 19 הוד שבתפארת - Splendor within Harmony “As we open ourselves to recognizing visible patterns, we become more aware of many invisible ones. Creation’s splendor is expressed in earth, air, fire, water, animal, vegetable, atom, rock and human, in an astounding variety of ways of emotions and ideas. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel described an experience of God as “radical amazement” (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guidep.112).  

Category : Omer Online Learning
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April 28, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 12: Splendor (הוד) within Strength/Discernment (גבורה)

"Today we focus on the diversity in our lives, and those times when we thought of that variety as confusing or bewildering. Remember a time when you visited a city for the first time, anticipating with delight the sights and sounds that brought you there, but instead, realized that you were lost and perplexed. Strange customs, odd street layouts, unusual odors and unfamiliar language can disorient us. We want familiar patters to help us understand a place, so we can be more omfortable. Information in the form of a map or a phrasebook helps us recognize te patters within the apparent chaos. Splendid variety is wonderful as long as we discern the underlying patterns"(Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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