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Posts Tagged ‘חסד’


June 2, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Daily Counting of the Omer 2014/5774

Check out some teachings by Rabbi Saks from this year's count of the Omer! To download a copy of the omer calendar so that you can count alongside Rabbi Saks, please cklick here for the calendar and please click here for the blessings Today's Count: Day 49 -- מלכות/שכינה שבמלכות/שכינה (Indwelling Presence within Indwelling Presence) Calendar of Days Day 1 -- חסד שבחסד (Lovingkindness within Lovingkindness) Day 2 -- גבורה שבחסד (Discernment/Strength within Lovingkindness) Day 3 -- תפארת שבחסד (Balance within Lovingkindness) Omer Online Learning videos-archive
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May 28, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 43: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Indwelling Presence (מלכות/שכינה)

Day 43 -- חסד שבמלכות/שכינה (Lovingkindness within Indwelling Presence) The flow of lovingkindness into the world is never-ending, like the stars wandering along their paths in the sky or gentle ripples in a constantly refreshed natural spring. It is no surprise that a person who exudes Hesed, lovingkindness, is called a Hasid, a righteous person, a person whose caring is continuous. We understand how Hesed influences Malkhut/Sh’khinah when we recognize the protecting compassion of God as our ideal parent — guiding, counseling, influencing, loving, guarding. The Source of Presence can be experienced as the sheltering wings of Sh’khinah; these wings protect, but do not smother. Today, we remember that the caring Presence always surround and shields us (Counting the Omer:[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 21, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 36: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Foundation (יסוד)

Day 36 -- חסד שביסוד (Lovingkindness within Foundation) In honor of Uncle Mark Einhorn, z"l

Category : Omer Online Learning
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May 14, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 29: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Splendor (הוד)

"Hesed sheb’Hod magnifies details of love. In her famous poem, Elizabeth Barrett Browning asks: “How do I love Thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.” God’s lovingkindness is evident in the myriad blessings in our lives. We pay attention to the intimate details of blessing’s flow today: the pulse inout veins, a child’s giggles, the changing light of a flickering Havdalah candle, the wings of a butterfly in the sunlight, distinctive spices in a tasty meal, subtle variations in our lovers’ glances or the differing pitches in the sound of a babbling stream" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p154). For other days of the Omer, Omer Online Learning
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May 7, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 22: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Endurance (נצח)

Day 22 -- חסד שבנצח: Lovingkindness within Endurance On any path toward self-improvement, persistence is key. Gyms and health clubs experience an upsurge of interest, enrollment and attendance every January as people resolve to exercise, lose weight, and get fit after the indulgence of the winter holiday season. By March, the enthusiasm has usually waned, replaced by boredom, hard work, slow progress and the distractions of early spring. Preparing for revelation, which we do during the counting of the Omer, is a spiritual path that requires stamina. In Hesed sheb’Netzah, that stamina is powered by love, as in Psalm 136 where the phrase “God’s love endures forever (ki l’olam hasdo) is repeated twenty-six times. Created in God’s image, we are inspired and committed to tikkun loam, helping others,[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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April 30, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 15: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Harmony (תפארת)

"We know that each individual is part of a large, harmonious system that has been unfolding for millions of years. We honor our ancestors’ struggles to harmonize contradictions, to find calm in paradox, and we are grateful to them for capturing some of that struggle in writing. The Talmud, for example is full of legal discussions, chronicling attempts to resolve opposing opinions about the proper interpretation of Jewish law. It also contains hundreds of stories and anecdotes, examples of the attempts of our ancestors to choose honorable ways to live their lives. Study of sacred texts and wisdom literature is at the heart of the Jewish spiritual path" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p.100) For other days of the Omer,[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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April 24, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 8: Lovingkindness (חסד) within Discernment/Strength (גבורה)

"By discerning and restraining our impulses we can more deeply understand the deep flow of love within them. Each time we stop ourselves from impulsive behavior in realization that such behavior could harm someone we love, we are acting from lovingkindness within discernment. Those choices can sweeten our appreciation of our choices" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide p.71).  For other days of the Omer, please click here 

Category : Omer Online Learning
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April 23, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 7: Indwelling Presence (מלכות/שכינה) within Lovingkindness (חסד)  

"There are many Hasidic stories about ordinary people finding God in everyday activities. This reminds us that the concept of an indwelling God means that God is close to us, and according to some sources, dwells in every aspect of creation. In Deuteronomy 30:15, God reminds us that the Torah is not distant or baffling but rather “No, the thing is very close to you , in your mouth and in your heart, to observe it.” Today we an stop and pay close attention to some small task, recognizing that even in the most mundane of daily activities,  we can increase our awareness of the presence of God in our lives" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide pp.62-63).  For other days of the[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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April 22, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 6: Foundation (יסוד) within Lovingkindness (חסד)

"Yesod is the sephira of foundation, and also of reproductive energy, of sexual energy. Yesod within Hesed brings awareness of the future, the generative energy of continuity, within lovingkindness. The foundation of the future is built on the creative continuity of the past. Jewish tradition teaches us that each generation stands on the shoulders of the last. Thus we are able to see further into the future by standing on a firm foundation. Today we remember that this entire pyramid of generations is upported by story, memory, and love. Without the founation, the pyramid, like a tower of cheerleaders, can tumble. The parade of generations is like a caravan over time, where precious cargo is guarded and passed on at each[...]

Category : Omer Online Learning
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April 20, 2014
By bethmordecai
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Counting the Omer — Day 5: Splendor (הוד) within Lovingkindness (חסד)

“Splendor can be envisioned as a brilliant varied display, whether of insights, objects or beings. Lovingkindness and compassion also appear ina  splendid diversity of types and patterns. Hod sheb'Hesed can be experienced in the astonishing variety of ways Divine care is manifested in the world" (Counting the Omer: A Kabbalistic Meditation Guide, p.54).For other days of the Omer, please click here

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