Posts Tagged ‘rabbi’


September 16, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 808: The Youthful Energy of Rosh Hashanah

הָיוֹם הָרָת עוֹלָם Hayom Harat Olam Today is the birthday of the world (Rosh Hashanah liturgy) Dear Hevreh, According to tradition, Rosh Hashanah is considered to be the "birthday of the world," when God first began the process of creation. Perhaps this tradition teaches us that like our birthdays, the "re-birth" of the year not only gives us a chance to reflect on the year that has gone by, but to be rejuvenated for the year to come with the youthful energy of a newborn who looks at the world and sees the possibilities of what lies before her. In other words, Rosh Hashanah can help us find the kid in ourselves again. How appropriate then that in this week leading up to Rosh Hashanah we[...]

Category : home Kidz Korner Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Rosh Hashanah Tot Shabbat YJPA
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September 12, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 804: Reflecting on America — A message in honor of September 11th

Dear Hevreh, Yesterday our country commemorated another anniversary -- the 13th -- of the attacks on September 11th, 2001. This "bar mitzvah" year is no celebration, but as we shared at Perth Amboy's commemoration yesterday it is an opportunity to recall what unifies us together, what makes us uniquely American. For many of our ancestors, America represented a beacon of light that promised a better and more prosperous future for us, their children. And for many of us though not all, that promise of a "goldene medinah (a golden land)" has been fulfilled. Yet, for many, including in our community and in our hometown, that promise is still a dream. If we are one of the lucky ones who feels[...]

Category : Perth Amboy News Rabbi Rabbi's Journal Shabbat
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September 5, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 797: A Litmus Test for…the Jewish People

This is the third of a three part journal series previewing this Sunday's Israeli-Palestinian speaker event "One Land, Two Worlds, One Painful Hope" Dear Hevreh, The Jewish people have been through a lot in over 4000 years of our history. Expulstions, crusades, the Holocaust, you name it and it seems the Jewish people have survived it. So to say that a dialogue between a Palestinian and an Israeli is a "litmus test" for the Jewish people is rather facetious. If all of Jewish life is like an incredible Impressionist painting, then Sunday's event would be a single dot from the artist's brush. That being said, anyone turning on the news today knows that the conversation in our sanctuary on Sunday is relevant to[...]

Category : Israeli News Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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September 4, 2014
By bethmordecai
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kDAY 796: This Sunday: A Litmus Test For…Jewish Middlesex County

This is the second of a three part journal series previewing this Sunday's Israeli-Palestinian speaker event "One Land, Two Worlds, One Painful Hope" Dear Hevreh, A year in a half ago, in the spring of 2013, we participated in a wonderful event celebrating the birthday of the State of Israel. There were lots of activities for families, some excellent food, a concert, and some learning. We strongly advertised for and we had a good turnout -- It was a terrific event for our community. And by the was held at Neve Shalom in Metuchen. Someone once told me rather facetiously that if they had it their way, we should "lock the doors" when people come into the synagogue, as a way of[...]

Category : Middlesex Jewish News Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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September 2, 2014
By bethmordecai
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kDAY 794: This Sunday: A Litmus Test For…Beth Mordecai

This is the first of a three part journal series previewing this Sunday's Israeli-Palestinian speaker event "One Land, Two Worlds, One Painful Hope" Dear Hevreh, I'm very excited for this week because it's the leadup to...the first game of the NFL season! Ever since I can remember I've been a big football fan, particularly of the Philadelphia Eagles :). Every year there is the triumph of success and (unfortunately more often than not) the pain of failure. Though there can only be one Super Bowl winner each year, most teams have at least one Super Bowl-like game of the year -- a litmus test for how good the team is compared to a (rival) team that is thought to be much better[...]

Category : Beth Mordecai in the News Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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August 29, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 790: A Poem for Tonight’s Shabbat by the Sea

Dear Hevreh, A poem for tonight's Shabbat by the Sea The view Speaks in a language Only the heart knows The voice of Adonai thunders over rushing waters (click link, p.7)   The people Sing in a voice Only the heart hears The voice of Adonai stirs the wilderness (click link, p.7)   The time Whispers in a hush Only the heart feels The voice of Adonai echoes with majesty (click link, p.7)   May all who who come to God's eternal sanctuary share together How vast How beautiful How glorious is Shabbat...   ...especially when you're by the Sea   Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Ari Saks

Category : Ari-archive
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August 27, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 788: The Elul #ShofarChallenge – Calling Ourselves To Be Our Best Selves

Dear Hevreh, Today is the second day of Rosh Hodesh Elul, the beginning of the month which proceeds the High Holidays and thus helps us prepare ourselves to make the High Holidays a meaningful experience. Each day of Elul, Jews are called upon to blow the shofar, our ancient instrument for inner change. By blowing the shofar each day we create an opportunity to hear what its piercing call is trying to tell us (or remind us) on how to be our best selves. Each day this month the shofar reminds to make every moment count. As part of our collective preparation for the High Holiday season, we will use the power of the shofar to help remind ourselves what we need[...]

Category : Holidays Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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August 26, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 787: From Bonfires to Emails

Dear Hevreh, It's amazing what a few phone calls and emails can do. Last Friday morning, I emailed and called some members of our community to let them know about a special minhah service we were having before our regular Friday night service so that one of our members could recite Kaddish on the day of his father's yahrtzeit. It just took a few emails and phone calls and before you know it...we had a full house in our chapel at 7:45 pm! It's incredible how technology can make it so much easier to get in contact with people and how we can rally people together in such a short period of time. The type of fast communication we take for granted[...]

Category : Holidays Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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August 24, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 785: Taking Advantage of an Opportunity

(8/24/14), Over the past two years, I've taken advantage of an opportunity to learn and connect with an impressive and diverse array of rabbis at a retreat for CLAL's Rabbis Without Borders program. At this past retreat, I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know a very impressive rabbi -- Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger, an orthodox rabbi who lives in one of the settlements outside of Jerusalem and spends most of his time running a pluralist learning program he leads once a month in Northern Texas. We connected because of our mutual interest in Jewish perspectives on Christianity so we decided to continue our correspondence after the retreat as hevrutapartners to learn the New Testament together over[...]

Category : Israeli News Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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August 21, 2014
By bethmordecai
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DAY 782: On Pride, Ego, and Doing What Matters

Dear Hevreh, I'm writing this journal a little later than usual because, I'm sure like many of you, returning from a vacation requires a lot of catch up time. Projects to check, emails and phone calls to answer, deadlines to reach, the world certainly doesn't stop working even if you do. Before this summer's breaks, there was an added level of stress that made returning to work difficult: the feeling that when I'm not working, not much happens; the feeling of desperately being needed. While your stress level increases because of it, this feeling of desperately being needed may also fill you with a sense of pride. It may lead you to believe that you are so important that you are always[...]

Category : Rabbi Rabbi's Journal
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